The Anti-COVID-19 Secret Lagoon policy changes depending on the degree of contamination and current regulations of the Chief Sanitary Inspector in Iceland.
Secret Lagoon respects and follows all regulations, including the closure of the facility, during the periods of the highest risk. From the very beginning of the epidemic, we focused on raising hygiene standards and minimizing the potential risk of infection.
Secret Lagoon sanitation basic rules in response to the COVID-19 situation:
- We recommend staying 2 meters from the others, which is possible thanks to the large size of the building, and the pool.
- The number of tickets available for sale is limited in order to regulate the visitor’s traffic as much as possible.
- We recommend wearing a mask when moving around the facility, which is mandatory for our employees during direct contact with our guests.
- Hand sanitizers are available all around.
- The place is marked, reminding visitors of the basic rules of hygiene.
- The amount of water pumped into the pool has been increased, so has the speed of its replacement.
- Lifeguards maintain minimal contact with customers.
- Regularly, also during the day, we clean and disinfect items around, paying special attention to places exposed to touch.
- Some food products are currently being withdrawn from the sale offer.
- As employees, we care very much about our own health and hygiene at work and outside.
- You can find more information about Covid 19 in Iceland and new regulations here:
For the safety of all other visitors, we recommend visiting the Secret Lagoon on a different occasion if:
- You are waiting for the Covid-19 test result
- You are in quarantine,
- Despite obtaining a negative result, you suspect that you may be sick
- You feel sick, have a cold, have a high body temperature or other similar symptoms of infection
- For whatever reason, you cannot / do not want to follow the recommendations that are part of our COVID-19 policy